
Marine Parts Information — Exhaust Systems

Crusader R029015 Exhaust Elbow Explained

Posted by Macomb Marine on

Crusader R029015 Exhaust Elbow Explained

  Crusader started using their water-cooled 4-inch center rise exhaust elbow on all of their V8 engines in 1992. There is a lifespan for this item. These elbows and the exhaust manifolds are constructed of water-cooled, water-jacketed cast iron. Depending on its use and maintenance, cast iron exhaust will only last 4-6 years in a saltwater environment. The exhaust parts of the boat will last longer if the owner flushes the engine with fresh water. The most determining factor for how quickly a product deteriorates is saltwater. Salt damages the product, causing it to clog up or rust through and...

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