
Marine Parts Information — Steering Systems

Volvo Penta SX Power Steering Cylinder Information

Posted by Macomb Marine on

Volvo Penta SX Power Steering Cylinder Information

Volvo Penta SX Power Steering Cylinder Information Information on the Volvo Penta SX Power Steering Cylinder    The Volvo Penta SX power steering cylinder is intended to reduce steering effort while also assisting in turning the drive unit. It is both hydraulically and mechanically operated. When you turn the steering wheel, an actuator valve on the steering cylinder moves. This causes the hydraulic pressure to be directed to assist with steering effort. While you turn the wheel by hand, the cylinder assists you by directing hydraulic pressure to the cylinder, which turns the drive unit. The steering wheel's mechanical steering...

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Mechanical Steering Cable - Examining and Replacing

Posted by Macomb Marine on

Mechanical Steering Cable - Examining and Replacing

Mechanical Steering Cable - Examining and Replacing Inspecting & Replacing a Mechanical Steering Cable      Struggling with steering on a boat because of a stiff and unresponsive steering cable is no fun, it's important having a reliable, well-maintained steering system. Regular maintenance of the steering system will avoid the pains of difficult steering, and while replacing a boat steering cable can be challenging, it's a repair that is totally acheivable for the mechanically-inclined boat owner.    Most recreational boats use either a hydraulic steering system or a mechanical steering system. In this article, the focus will be strictly on...

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