Crusader Captains Choice Model MP5.0/5.7L 2002-2005 - Raw Water Cooling Pump '05

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5.7L Captains Choice
Model MP5.0/5.7L
Captains Choice 350 C.I.D/5.7L 2002-2005 - Raw Water Cooling Pump ('05)
Ref # Part # Description Qty
1 TBD Bolt, bearing housing attaching 3
2 TBD Lockwasher, bearing housing attaching bolt 3
3 R047243 O-ring, bearing housing attaching bolt 3
4 R047242 O-ring, bearing housing attaching 1
5 RP061022 Impeller Kit (includes O-rings and impeller) 1
6 R057034 Housing, raw water pump 1
7 RA134071 Bearing Housing Assembly 1
8 RA057034 Raw Water Pump Assembly 1
9 RS2180 Lockwasher, raw water pump attaching; upper left flange 1
10 RS0306 Bolt, raw water pump attaching; upper left flange 1
11 RS2180 Lockwasher, raw water pump attaching; upper right flange 1
12 RS0454 Bolt, raw water pump attaching; upper right flange 1
13 RS2180 Lockwasher, raw water pump attaching; lower left flange 1
14 RS0306 Bolt, raw water pump attaching; lower left flange 1



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